Current version : 1 Build 11 config 30
[disclaimer: try at your own risk. although it is a safety pen, that doesn't mean it is a safe pen. This pen works for me, and the claim stops there. i am open to discussions, but don't hold me responsible for anything].
By The LORD's grace, wisdom and strength, it is finally completed.
For the lack of a better name, i shall call it the "simi safety pen", or "what? safety pen".
and i think it is the world's first official semi-clear safety pen.
This is a modern safety pen. Made with modern day materials, with a dash of craziness and a whole lot of laziness.
Follow the steps accordingly and you should have a safety pen of your own. any questions, feel free to ask.
To fill the pen in a flash, simply remove the nib unit and fill into the hole (item 5). it can hold about 3ml of ink. do not overfill! once the unit is twisted in, it takes up volume and ink can spill out. that unit takes about 2 ml of ink.
if you prefer to fill the pen with the nib unit on, have the nib fully in the pen first, then add in the ink. then twist to surface the nib so as to let the air in the pen out. you may need to do this a coupe of times.
there is no copyright for the pen, except for my mind, so feel free to try it out, and i encourage everyone to share their experiences and thoughts. My aim to improve on it. of course, some credits are welcome. :)
1) the materials you need:
a) a 3ml pipette. order online and share.
b) a syringe 3ml. buy at pharmacy.
c) a pelikan m200 nib unit. you can use its equivalent gold nib.
d) platinum stick glue pen. buy at daiso.

2) the tools you will need
a) a pen knife. buy at daiso
b) a wooden disposable chopstick.

3) specific materials spread out.
first, let's work on the safety cap. it needs a rubber seal. for this,
cut the as accordingly. make a longer cut first then trim down.
excluding the rubber, cut at 1.3cm.
4.1) another view
4.2) fix a white tack on the non rubber end. this will hold the rubber seal in the cap.
4.3) push the rubber seal into the cap with your chopstick. the cap is completed.
5) now let's work on the body.
a) cut a hole as such using the penknife. make the hole as big as you can, but do not create cuts anywhere else.
this hole is required to feed ink to the feed, and also if you want to refill this pen in a flash, just remove the nib unit and fill in from here. estimated about 3-4ml.
5.1) open up the body as such. just hold onto the 2 body parts, and pull.
5.1) apply silicon grease as a precaution to the threaded portion which is in the centre of the photo. it is air-tight, but we still want to be very sure. close the pen back.
5.2) using the main body of your pipette,
a) cut about 1.9cm in length
b) make a center cut.
c) cut the shape as shown.
This is one key component which took me a lot of time to invent. yes, it is invention. this component is important to hold the nib in place when it is used, but yet will not hinder filling of the pen with ink.
5.3 ) fit the nib to the pen body. it will be tight. place part 5.2 over it.
5.31) another view.
6) test drive using water first.

7) final item. you can have it painted in any color you want. any designs.
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