Friday, April 29, 2016

pilot con-40


1) fitting: Yes, it fits an elite 95s, but.....even if it fits, i still cannot see the ink window, so why am i sacrificing the ink volume that a con-20 can give me again? it can also fit an old elite rather tightly, and of course it can cap.

2) length wise, it is almost as long as the con-50.
top to bottom:
wing sung lucky converter (fits a pilot)
con-10 (aka washer)
pilot VP cartridge cap

3) details? well, the piston is single layered compared to a con-50, that's a con. 

the piston cannot extend to where the metal gate is, there is a gate, that's another con.
 the metal gate to block the 4 metal balls also blocks simple cleaning, another con. 

the metal piece on top of the converter seems to be click-fit and cannot be removed at the moment, it turns but does not come out, another con.

verdict? con-50 and con-20 seems to be better. Pilot, please do not discontinue them.....