Tuesday, June 21, 2016


the first pen stand made. it is a prototype, and a working prototype. it features full mobility, cheap, and fully functional.
mobility: it disassembles for easy carrying, and assembles in seconds. as long as a twsbi eco.
cheap: takes about 14 ice-creams sticks, some glue and about an hour that includes designing. making time is about 30 minutes at most.
fully functional: it can take a big and long twsbi eco or a short muji pen. the base is stable enough, and the portion which supports the pen is fully stabilized. there are some artificial drains and intended made drains to ensure the pen stays in place.
Some details are in the picture, but it should be simple enough to understand how it works, and how it can be make. as mentioned, the key is in the design, and the design is there. you can make one yourself very easily.
Now to name it: PSMK1.  time to work on PSMK2.

Top view when kept for movement. as long as a twsbi.

side view.

bottom view

transforming it into a pen stand. it takes a twsbi eco easily.

Takes a short muji pen too.

the piece of the pen stand which slides out to become the pen support. note that angle cut which is the key to this pen stand's design.

the groove or the drain to make sure the pen cap stays in place.

The stopper at the other end of the pen stand to make sure the pen doesn't slide off. it can be beautified later, but that's not for the lazy me.

the inside of the pen stand bottom. the angle cut is the same as the pen stand support so that it flushes together when kept.

the 2 pieces support to ensure the stability of the stand.

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