Simplist - the family
Simplist 1.0 - the beginning
Finally, after 2 years of research, searching high and low for the right items, and a lot of praying, i manage to get this hybrid out! :) :) :)
So, first the story. i love this ballpoint pen. initially designed by papermate called flexigrip, it is no longer in production. I finally found zebra started making it again. why is it good? first, full body rubber grip and it is a light pen. most importantly, the rubber grip do not disintegrate with time and turn sticky. it is slim too. this is a good body pen.
But it is a ballpoint pen. i wanted a fountain pen. Not a dip pen, but a fountain pen. People look at me in disbelief. Marrying a ballpoint pen to a fountain pen? Whoever did that perfectly before?
Having heard that, the question that I asked myself was, why not? I am not forcing nature to change, i am looking for the perfect match. that is nature.

and the perfect match finally came. parker classic. that nib fit perfectly into the pen. no leakages, feeds well. and the nib is smooth.

With a little bit of engineering included, i finally got the 2 to agree to get together. perfect couple i say.

What i have is the best of both worlds: perfect body, perfect nib. perfect weight. being an Eyedropper mode, it's capacity is huge too. It's simple design, like a muji fountain pen but without the rough surface, is why i just call it simplist. short and sweet.
So presently the pen besides a lamy to allow easy comparison for size, and its original ballpoint pen body.

a vintage nib in a somewhat vintage pen body (design) = a vintage pen? :)
Simplist 2.0
with the previous knowledge and experiences, i have managed to created yet another version, now with a kakuno F nib!
With this, it means i can now fit the EF nib from penmanship and a CM nib from prera.
this just gets better and better. :)
Simplist 3.0
First, parker, then pilot, and now, platinum. got a preppy nib,
made a
modification, and into the ballpoint body it goes. in case any one is
wondering, all of them are eyedropper mode and the nibs are screwed in.
what next ? :) ( i still need to find a flex nib ><)
Got them a box and taken a family photo...
Simplist 3.5
This was a test since it did look nice with the pen body and the nib together. but the original body was protesting. The nib is from sailor.
Simplist 4.0 - the first gold nib.
Simplist 4.0 now uses a 14K gold nib. Taken from Pilot celemo, this nib works perfectly well with this body. It is also the first gold nib for the Simplist family.
Simplist 5.0
Daiso's platinum rivere has a bad reputation of having scratchy nib,
lousy feed which draws no inks and a flimsy body. well, that body is
really flimsy, but that nib and feed is actually well-made. just that it
is not suited for the body. so, to give rivere a new life, i had plug
it into the ballpoint pen (again!) and make it worth its price (of $2)
again. if anyone is thinking it is a dip pen, nope, the feed is together
with the nib as shown. it is a fountain pen.
It writes smooth and doesn't skips. the thin body made of full rubber makes the grip as good as the rest of its family. and the nib is easily replaceable for $2. that had happened when....wait, it hasn't happened before. :p
Simplist 6.0
Finally, I found a willing black nib, from online germany switch plus.
Simplist 7.0
version 7 comes with a two toned nib from a daiso fountain pen which is of course modified by me (again!).
This isn't stopping. What else is coming?