Tuesday, July 12, 2016

modern sheaffer twist converter - one problem you should know.

The modern sheaffer converter, the twist version, has a problem which even some sheaffer sales personnels do not know. 2 words, they break. When they break, the converter will leak ink into the pen body and most notably turn with the piston when you twist the piston while it is inserted into the pen. It is not tight in the sheaffer pen.

Frequency of that happening ? i have a broken one, and i have already found 4 broken ones in new sheaffer pens sold over the sheaffer counters. I conclude it is quite high.

And i had thought a lot of people knew about this. Apparently not. And therefore this post.

How then do you detect it? First, twist the piston while the converter is inserted into the pen. if the converter twists, do a visual check, the confirmatory one as shown below;

This is broken converter. Notice the break line on the inner and second ring in black? that means it will not be tight.

This is a working converter. the 3 rings, the inner black ring, the middle black ring, and the outer metallic ring are complete. this is a working converter which will sit tightly in the pen and not leak.

1 comment:

  1. Informative. TQ.
    Am yet to face the issue. The few sheaffers are of the older aerometric filler.
