Saturday, June 25, 2016

Comparison between twsbi AL orange and AL lava.

comparison between twsbi AL orange and AL lava. I am satisfying my own curiosity too.

i have an orange and 2 lava versions. this is 1) to ensure i am fair to 2 dealers, 2) face it, lava will be snapped up in no time, 3) it is easier for comparison.

To the naked eye, their color tone is similar. Too similar. However, a close up will show that the orange AL is coated in a straight line fashion. The lava on the other hand, has a finer coat and is very much uniform. that is the biggest difference. I attribute that not due to a change in color pigment but a different method used in coating.
the picture will have the details.

the orange AL. note the "grains".

the lava AL. First pen.

the lava AL. second pen.

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