Saturday, January 30, 2016

platinum cool and platinum balance feed total disassembly

Well, platinum is not going to like me, but i don't care.

Platinum cool, or balance, is supposed to be easy to clean. it's supposed to allow us to clean the feed sparkling clean. Not really. It is built in such a manner such that there is a center piece where ink can never be cleaned out normally.

That frustrated me and my OCD.

With the power of OCD, for the first time in history (i think), i took the feed even further apart than others will have ventured, and final took it apart to its most minute part. Finally i could clean this feed thoroughly. ;)



  1. Were you able to make it work? I did the same with mine but it seems the feed broke exactly where you were able to disassembly in half and now the ink doesn't go through the feed and it just spills :(
